Saturday, August 20, 2011

An Honest Moment

Again, I will share the image that changed me. We got the chance to capture the most beautiful 6-day-old baby girl with her family last week. Mommy looked AMAZING at not even a week out. There were adorable kisses, hugs, snuggles, and laughter. We captured all this; it was beautiful. And then there was this shot - in between shots. The new mother was not posing, was not aware of the camera, was simply and beautifully looking at her new baby daughter who until very recently had only been imagined. There was a stillness and the baby felt it, and settled into the grace of it. And Brian, ever the artist, felt it and snapped this shot. And there it is. The art of that stillness. The weight of that moment. This image reminds me to look at my daughter, now six-years-old, and just as fascinating and special to me as she was in that first week of life. To look at her. And to see her. To breath into that space of stillness and simply love my child.

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